Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Notice and a Warning

In a recent article about the Wisconsin River Valley Rollergirls, comments were made by an anonymous reader concerning some of the alleged beliefs of the team leaders. I have deleted them.

In the first place, public allegations made under anonymity on the internet are the first sign of cowardice. If people are going to talk, they should at least have the decency to put a name behind it.

But more importantly, this website does not deal on politics, theology or ideology. We deal in roller derby.

I understand that the blogosphere is the wild wild west of information and allegations. But I don't play that game. I try to adhere to the highest standards for my blog because I want it to be a site where you can go to for derby information and trust that what you are reading is as close to the truth as possible.

If anyone makes libelous accusations or just wants to stir up mess with others, I am deleting that post immediately.

There is room for honest discussion and disagreement on this site. There is not room for insults and accusations.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.


  1. I'll judge people on my own dealings with them. RVRG have been nothing but good, cool women full of Derby Love. Yes, I have heard the allegations, and I choose to give people a chance. The RVRG crew was great in Des Moines, and I am EAGERLY awaiting (to the point of distraction at home) seeing them this weekend.

  2. I agree that we must make our own judgments, outside the blogosphere, but I talked to a few players at our bout who told me firsthand about skinhead leadership in the group. It was also reported in the Wassau Daily Herald. I was surprised when Tyler's report showed no mention of why there was such a mass exodus from the team.

    This story is part of this team's history. I appreciate your wanting to keep this about derby, but if Helter Skelter wants to talk about lots of girls leaving the team, it seems strange to not ask the follow up "Why?"

    It appears some of the girls who left are forming a new team http://www.wausaudailyherald.com/article/20100504/WDH0101/5040652/Bull-Falls-Derby-Dolls-roller-league-forms. Maybe a topic for a future post?

  3. I have been with this league almost since it started. I would just like to say "move on!!" to the people still talking about the split. It doesn't matter who, what, where, when, or why it happened. Our league is much stronger now and happier. We support all roller derby and wish any new leagues luck. We know our history..and we are better because of it. Can't wait to skate D3 in a few days.

  4. Hey Torch :),
    It seems to me that there is a lot of "He said/She said" stuff with the situation there in the River Valley. I never like to write about controversial situations that I don't observe with my own eyes. The point of the article was not to go over why the split occurred, but to talk about what has been going on in the team since the last D3 bout and to allow for further explanation as to why the score looked so lopsided.

    That being said, could I have edited to piece a bit better? Yes, I could have. I did not want the piece to disintegrate into a "are they/ or aren't they" thing. That would be like opening a Pandora's box that I don't have the time to look into. It wasn't even meant to talk about the history of the team. It was more of a "Hey! What have you been up to?" preview piece for the match. This site is about roller derby and whatever occurs outside the oval is outside the oval.

    Speaking of which I need to get some questions to Malay about the bout.

    Thanks for checking in Torch. :) You are more than welcome to comment anytime! :)

  5. OMG, MOVE ON! These girls are derby-lovin chicks and Tyler's blog is just that...a BLOG! Not a news expose'. Who cares what ANYONE believes for themselves and what does that have to do with playing roller derby?? Absolutely NOTHING! Anyone that has met the Skelters (I have) and talked to them (I have) or anyone of the other girls on the team (I have) would know that it is about the love of this sport and that is it...
    That is all.
    ~Kati Lankford

  6. PS That should have said the Van Zantes...not the Skelters...I was excited. :-)

  7. Tyler, you know I love your blog, and now that I've started my own blog, I have even greater admiration for what you do and know how hard it is to maintain something like this.

    But who cares? I just lost a really close friend who was a Holocaust survivor, and talking to him made me realize that you can't ever just sweep it under the rug and say who cares? I respect Tyler's right to keep this about derby, but when she opens up the discussion about people leaving and neglects to mention that her husband's swastika tattoo made some of those people uncomfortable (among other comments that they freely gave to the press) I feel like I would dishonor my friend's memory to not point out that PLENTY of people in the world would not want to be led by someone who takes pride in wearing a swastika.

  8. Last time I checked in the USA we are allowed to have our own beliefs and just b/c someones beliefs are different than that of others doesnt mean they are not allowed to have these beliefs. This said a persons beliefs in life and in or about derby, have no direct correlation to one another. Freedom of speech, religion,sexual orientation, and personal views are a right that no one should be persecuted for. Visual imagery just as verbal remarks may offend some but it is how the person who is offended chooses to react that truly merits their personal character. Unless someone is participating in illegal practices and crimes no one has the right to deem this individual to be morally or ethically incorrect. While I my self do NOT condone these beliefs I do understand that each person is entitled to his or her opinions and ones individual beliefs does not make this person a "BAD" individual. As is stated in the bible "Let HE who is without sin Cast the first stone" Those who judge shall be judge themselves by the ONE who has place to judge. It is unfortunate that prejudice exists in the world we live but it is a fact of life and as human beings we have can along ways in the last 50 years considering the that we have been on this planet for thousands of years maybe in another 50 years there will be no talks of racial or minority divide but the only way to kill these beliefs is through forgiveness by those who feel wronged. Fighting prejudice with prejudice does not solve problems only destroys progress. Please respect individualism and constitutional rights and respect Roller Derby and those who participate in derby bc it can take something as small as derby to overcome and unite those with different views we must take baby steps forward and not leaps backwards. United we stand divided we fall its time to choice which side your going to be on. As this blog is intended we should remember here there are those who are DERBY and those who Are NOT. I am proud to say that I am apart of something that brings together people and allows us to stand tall and united, united we are DERBY despite each others individual personal orientations. I AM DERBY.. ARE YOU???

  9. coach famous thank you for pretty much covering exactly how I feel. -Eradiskater

  10. As someone who is no longer with the league, I would like to agree with all the comments to move on. What's past is past; while the past forms a part of who we are in the present, those who spend all of their time looking back never see what's in front of them. People's decisions to stay or go were their own to make, and being that they were personal decisions, it would be great to see them left as that--quietly personal. Everyone would benefit from an eye pointed to the future rather than a neck craning to the past. Hope to see a really kick ass bout this weekend, good luck to all involved!
    --Heather C. (didn't have any of the accounts, but didn't wanna be anonymous)
    Is there an afterbout party? If so, where? :-)
