Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Old Capitol City Roller Girls On PATV's Talking With Yale Cohn

This has to be, without a doubt, the best media coverage that I have seen thus far of the Derby scene in Iowa thus far. The name of the show is Talking with Yale Cohn, which runs on PATV out of Iowa City. and, at just over a half-hour, the four derby girls from the Old Capitol City Roller Girls have plenty of time to talk about derby, the derby life, and the significance of the recent accomplishments of three Iowa roller derby teams being invited by WFTDA to be apprentice leagues. It helps that Cohn is a bona fide derby fan.

To all Iowa Derby fans, sit back and enjoy this. It is well worth your time.

Also notice that one of the participants in the roundtable is IRDD's own October/November Covergirl Toxic Sugar.


  1. If you missed it back in May, check out this feature article on the Old Capitol City Roller Girls from Little Village Magazine.

  2. Great video, thanks for posting this!
